
Koreksi dan Pencegahan

1. Tujuan

1.1. Sebagai panduan kerja dalam menentukan tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam hal mengelola dan menginvestigasi permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan quality.

2. Cakupan

2.1. Prosedure ini mencakup semua departemen dalam lingkup perusahaan pada saat ditemukan permasalahan quality, proses koreksi, serta tindakan pencegahan yang perlu dilakukan

3. Kriteria

3.1. Corrective Action Plan : Suatu tindakan yang dilakukan pada saat terdeteksi adanya permasalahan quality
3.2. Masalah Quality : Suatu keadaan yang

Production and Process Control

We design quality into our products. Areas of the manufacturing process that require control are identified during the development of a product and the effects of variables and appropriate limits are established.

Process Control is accomplished through planning, written procedures, inspection, calibration, training, supervisory oversight and employee awareness. Changes to the manufacturing process, if required, are controlled, qualified and validated.


Job Description QA Manager

1.      Deskripsi Kerja
a) Membantu management dalam upaya pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia, kualitas produk, serta proses kerja perusahaan untuk mencapai tingkat kualitas dan efisiensi yang maksimal
b) Menjembatani komunikasi antara pelanggan dengan perusahaan dalam hal pengimplementasian standar kerja yang diminta oleh pelanggan

2.      Tugas Utama
a)      Menyusun kebijakan kualitas perusahaan, procedure kerja, instruksi kerja, dan kelengkapan dokumen yang berhubungan degan proses pelaksanaan system kualitas perusahaan
b)     Mengkomunikasikan serta mengevaluasi kinerja perusahaan berdasarkan data di lingkup perusahaan maupun data yang diperoleh dari pelanggan




1.1.Menentukan standar minimum pelaksanaan pengelolaan fabric dari mulai datang sampai dikirim ke Cutting.
1.2.Menentukan tahapan proses dan pihak yang bertanggung jawab

2.Ruang Lingkup

2.1.Aktifitas penerimaan bahan dari supplier sampai dengan dikirim ke bagian cutting

3.Tanggung Jawab

3.1.Supervisor bertanggung jawab untuk membuat rencana kerja dan mengontrol semua aktivitas penerimaan fabric sampai pengiriman fabric ke Cutting dept
3.2.Fabric inspector / QC bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pemeriksaan fabric dengan 4 point system atau sesuai prosedur dibawah dan melaporkan masalah ke Supervisor. Dan membuat laporan pemeriksaan.
3.3.Operator bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan rencana kerja yang sudah ditentukan oleh Supervisor



     Kali ini postingan prosedur quality system hadir dengan gaya bahasa indonesia, agar semua mudah memahami dan dapat menggunakannya dengan baik, postingan ini bertujuan untuk sharing sesama qa di garment factory, mudah-mudahan berguna, kalo ada kurang mohon masukannya, langsung aja cekidot :



1.1.Menentukan proses pembelian bahan baku untuk bahan baku yang tidak dinominasikan oleh pelanggan
1.2.Mengukur tingkat kepuasan terhadap masing-masing pemasok bahan baku untuk kategori bukan pemasok yang dinominasikan oleh pelanggan
1.3.Memberikan informasi kepada pihak terkait dalam lingkup perusahaan mengenai pedoman kerja pengadaan bahan baku


2.1.Aktifitas pengadaan bahan baku yang dikategorikan sebagai bahan baku dari pemasok yang tidak dinominasikan oleh pelanggan
2.2.Procedure ini tidak berlaku pada proses pengadaan bahan baku dari pemasok yang dikategorikan sebagai bahan baku atau pemasok yang dinominasikan oleh pelanggan


Management Review Procedure

     The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods used to review the Quality System that is in operation.

     This procedure applies to all Management Review Meetings, including their associated  documentation.

3.Definition Management Review: A structured meeting that must take place at regular intervals to discuss the functioning of the quality system and to take action to correct it when necessary.

4.Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Director to conduct regular Management Review Meetings. It is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Manager to ensure that this procedure is carried out.

Non-Conforming Product

The quality system provides for the identification, documentation, evaluation, segregation, and disposition of non-conforming product.

Quality Assurance administers the non-conforming materials system with the participation of the Material Review Board (MRB). Within departments producing research use only materials, appropriate technical personnel will review non-conforming material and make decisions concerning disposition of that material. Any employee with knowledge of non conforming material may call for a Material Review Board meeting. Minor non-conformities may be released by Quality Control with adequate documentation. Disposition of major non conformities lies with the MRB. QA is responsible for documenting the activities of the MRB. The Biotech MRB is composed of representatives from Quality, Manufacturing, and Development. Additional representatives from Product Support, Marketing, Technical Service or Sales may also participate as required. All corrective actions must be fully documented. Minutes from meetings of the MRB are published and maintained in Master Control.

The MRBs are documented using the Material Review Board (MRB) form. Minutes from meetings of the MRB are published and maintained in Master Control. A summary of MRBs is distributed quarterly to managers for review.

Design Controls

Design Controls for different types of products. In general, they cover the
following  points :
  • Approval of the design goals (Design Input) 
  • Review of feasibility studies (Design Review) 
  • Approval of the product description (Design Output) 
  • Review of process development and preparation of manufacturing documents (Design Verification Review) 
  • Review and approval of product validation (Final Design Review/Data Review) 
  • Transfer to manufacturing
The specific procedures for the different product lines are referenced below.
Related Procedures:



It is our policy to hire only qualified personnel and to assure that they are trained in all aspects of their jobs. Copies of job descriptions, job applications, resumes and annual performance reviews are kept on file in the Human Resources Department.

The Company has a Personnel  Training Program (including the applicable regulations), conducted by Quality Assurance, which all employees are required to complete. Upon satisfactory completion of this training by an employee. Quality Assurance maintains a master log of

Quality Audits

Periodic audits assure adherence to our quality systems. Internal Quality System audits are performed by the Quality Assurance staff and by other trained personnel under the guidance of Quality Assurance. Results of audits are reported to the Assistant Director of Quality, the appropriate Vice President, the Company President, and the operating units involved. It is the responsibility of those units to develop corrective actions, to correct deficiencies and to present evidence of correction. Vendor audits are performed by Quality Assurance staff on an as needed basis. Other Quality System effectiveness checks are