
Management Review Procedure

     The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods used to review the Quality System that is in operation.

     This procedure applies to all Management Review Meetings, including their associated  documentation.

3.Definition Management Review: A structured meeting that must take place at regular intervals to discuss the functioning of the quality system and to take action to correct it when necessary.

4.Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Director to conduct regular Management Review Meetings. It is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Manager to ensure that this procedure is carried out.

5.Management Review
Management Review Meetings are designed to ensure that all quality related functions are reviewed at the highest possible level and so that all levels of management affecting quality are made aware of changes, updates, revisions, verification activities and policies. The Management Review will take the form of a formal, recorded meeting under the Quality assurance Manager. The Quality Assurance Manager and any other staff designated by senior Management will attend.

6.Objectives of management review meetings The objectives of the Management Review are:

6.1. To establish that the Quality Assurance System is achieving the expected results, continuing to conform to the standard, and functioning in accordance with the established Operating Procedures.
6.2. To establish that the Quality Assurance System is achieving the expected results, continuing to conform to the standard, and functioning in accordance with the established Operating Procedures.
6.3. To expose irregularities or defects in the System, identify weaknesses and make recommendations for continual improvement.
6.4. To review the effectiveness of previous corrective actions.
6.5. To review the adequacy and suitability of the Quality Assurance System for current and future operations.
6.6. To review any complaints received, identify the cause and recommend corrective action if required including customer feedback.
6.7. To review the finding of internal / external audits and identify any areas of recurring problems.
6.8. To review the reports of non-conformities and evaluate trend information.
6.9. To review training requirements. Analyze all the above for trends and make appropriate improvements

7.Model Review Meeting Agenda
7.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting.
7.2. Review of Corrective Actions from Previous meeting.
7.3. Review of General Actions from Previous Meeting.
7.4. Review Input Results of audits Customer Feedback Service Performance Status of preventive and corrective action Review Output Improvement of the effectiveness of the system Improvements of the service related to customer requirements Resources needed. Update in objectives
7.5. Proposed Quality Assurance System Improvements/Modifications. (Including objectives and policy) 
7.6. Staff training needs review.
7.7. Review of infrastructure and work environment
7.8. Date and Time of Next Meeting. The Quality Assurance Manager will produce documentation (including analyses, reviews, proposals, etc.) for circulation to participants. The content of the meetings will be formally documented and recorded by the Quality Assurance Manager.

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