
Management Commitment

The following are expressions of  The Company. management commitment to develop, implement and improve the effectiveness of the quality management system, Communication about the importance of fulfilling customer, legal and regulatory requirements occurs throughout the company. That communication happens through the use of: 
  1. General and product, service or process specific training.
  2. Retraining when and where shortfalls appear.
  3. Displays and postings in the prominent points/areas of the facilities.
  4. Periodic communication meetings- recorded in training record.
  5. Specific emphasis in provided documentation
  • The quality policy
  • The quality objectives
  • The management reviews
  • Assurance the availability of resources to achieve the quality objectives and continuously improve the effectiveness of the system.
 Related Documents
  • Quality Policy
  • Quality Objectives
  • Management Review Meeting Minutes.
The Company has given outstanding consideration to the following while formulating the Quality Policy:
  1. The purpose of  The Company
  2. The need to include an explicit commitment for compliance to requirements
  3. The need to include an explicit commitment to continual improvement ofeffectiveness of the quality management system  
  4. The required continual compatibility with quality objectives
The quality policy statement that has been formulated by the highest level of management can be found within this manual. It is also prominently displayed at many strategic locations throughout the sites. The quality policy reads as follows: 
  • The Company mission is to archieve business exellence through contumer satisfaction by understanding, accepting, meeting, exceeding contumer expectations.
  • The Company follows the international standard on Quality Management System (reference ISO 9001 : 2008) to ensure consistent quality of product and services to achieve costumer sastisfaction.
  • The management of Company commits it self to quality as the prime consideration in all its business decision.
  • The entire employee follow (reference ISO 9001 : 2008) documented procedure to ensure compliance with quality standard to achieve the quality and efficiency. 
The Quality Policy is communicated to all level of employees of the organization through
training and discussing in important business events. Employees at all levels of the organization are expected to fulfill the requirements of this policy in all of their work related efforts and decisions. Lastly, the quality policy is reviewed in each management review meeting for suitability. Its distributions are controlled because of the possibility that it might change

The following, measurable quality objectives, have been formulated as the policy
highlights by the highest level of management: 
  • Costumers satisfaction
  • Reduce defect/Process loose
  • Continual improvement

The above quality objectives are rolled down to department’s level.


The yearly quality plans are created considering the following and they are endorsed
by the top management:
  • The quality objectives
  • The requirements of quality management system in
When significant changes occur in categories such as the organization, the facilities or business strategy, The Company. assures integrity and compatibility of the quality management system.

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